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Contacts in the School of Education & Human Sciences

Contact the School of Education and Human Sciences
University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
Joseph R. Pearson Hall , Room 221
1122 West Campus Rd
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-3101

Department of Curriculum & Teaching

The University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
1122 West Campus Rd, Room 321
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-3101

Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

The University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
1122 West Campus Rd, Room 421
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-3101

Department of Educational Psychology

The University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
1122 West Campus Rd, Room 621
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-3101

Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences

The University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
Robinson Center, 1301 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-7567

Department of Special Education

The University of Kansas
School of Education and Human Sciences
1122 West Campus Rd, Room 521
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-3101