Students sitting on the wall along Jayhawk Blvd

Student Resources at KU

At the University of Kansas, students just like you make history. Make memories. Discoveries. They make news and become educators and human science professionals prepared as leaders to face and shape the world. They also make KU what it is today. Every KU student becomes a part of the Jayhawk family. What will your story be?

More student opportunities 2

Advising & Orientation

Field Experience

More student opportunities

Two students in a classroom are attentively listening and watching a speaker

Student Advisory Board

The Student Advisory Board is a group of undergraduate students within the School of Education & Human Sciences (SOEHS) that represents their fellow SOEHS students, providing feedback about the undergraduate academic experience and environment within SOEHS.
A Student is talking to a person in a group of three

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors are a group of outstanding students selected to represent SOEHS undergraduate programs to prospective students, their families and our community.

Student resources

Resources for undergraduate students, graduate students, general resources and more.
More information

Students in a dorm room
Students at a football game
Students having a party
Students riding on a buss
A student painting a jayhawk
Students looking at a puppy