KU professors honored by American Journal of Sociology
LAWRENCE – Argun Saatcioglu, associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies and (by courtesy) the Department of Sociology, and Tom Skrtic, Williamson Family Distinguished Professor of Special Education, both at the University of Kansas, have been selected to receive the 2020 Roger V. Gould Prize from the American Journal of Sociology (AJS).
Saatcioglu and Skrtic are being honored for their 2019 article in AJS, "Categorization by Organizations: Manipulation of Disability Categories in a Racially Desegregated School District" (125:184–260). Their article was selected because, in the editors’ views, it most closely embodied the qualities that made Gould’s own work in sociology outstanding (theoretically rich, lucidly written and empirically rigorous). In addition to being listed in the July issue of AJS as the 2020 winners, Saatcioglu and Skrtic will each receive an award of $1,000. More information about the Roger V. Gould Prize can be found here.
More information about their research for the article is available here.
“Saatciolgu and Skrtic’s work represents cutting-edge research on organizations and education,” said Rick Ginsberg, dean of the School of Education & Human Sciences. “The prize is appropriate recognition of the high quality of their research.”
Saatcioglu joined the faculty at KU in 2007, and his research has focused on educational and organizational inequality, educational policy, governance and quantitative methods. More information on Saatcioglu can be found here.
Skrtic joined the faculty at KU in 1976, and his research specializes in organization theory, special education policy and administration, and qualitative research and evaluation. More information on Skrtic can be found here.
Usually, prize winners are featured guests at the AJS editors’ luncheon held at the annual American Sociological Association (ASA) meetings, but those meetings have been canceled this year. Saatcioglu and Skrtic will be included on the guest list for the 2021 meetings in Chicago, Illinois.
The KU School of Education & Human Sciences is a nationally ranked school, preparing educators and professionals as leaders.