Dr. Jordan R. Bass

- Department Chair, Health, Sport, and Exercise Sciences
Contact Info
Biography —
Jordan R. Bass, Ph.D. is the Associate Department Chair, Sport Management Program Director, and Associate Professor in the Health, Sport, and Exercise Sciences Department. Dr. Bass is in his seventh year at the University of Kansas. Dr. Bass has published in journals such as Sport Management Review, Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, the International Journal of Sport Management, the International Sport Coaching Journal, Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies, and the Journal of Applied Sport Management. His current research agenda focuses on the organizational behavior of athletic programs, athletics place in a higher education setting, and social issues in intercollegiate athletics. Dr. Bass also serves as the founder and Co-Editor of the Journal of Amateur Sport and a Research Fellow in the Partnership for the Advancement of Sport Management at Wichita State University. Dr. Bass specializes in amateur sport, organizational behavior, institutional theory, sport in higher education, diversity in sport. Website: Sport Management Program at the University of Kansas
Education —
Research —
Dr. Bass's research interests center around the amateur sport realm. Specifically, he examines the organizational behavior and sociocultural practices of amateur sport organizations. Dr. Bass is also interested in institutional theory, sport in higher education, sport media, sociological aspects of sport, and organizational culture.
Research interests:
- Amateur Sport, Institutional Theory, Sport in Higher Education
- Organizational Behavior
- Sociological Aspects of Sport
- Organizational Culture
Selected Publications —
Mays, J., Stensland, P., & Bass, J. R. (2021). Pressure to Conform: An Analysis of Culture Within Intercollegiate Athletic Departments [Journal Articles]. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 14(2), 1–25.
Oja, B., Bass, J., & Gordon, B. (2020). Identities in the Sport Workplace: Development of an Instrument to Measure Sport Employee Identification [Journal Articles]. Journal of Global Sport Management, 5(3), 262–284.
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Gordon, B. S., Hyland, S., Oja, B. D., & Bass, J. R. (2019). An Exploratory Examination of Role Engulfment and NCAA Teacher-Coaches [Journal Articles]. Journal of the Professoriate, 10(2), 47–77.
Ishaq, F., & Bass, J. R. (2019). High impact educational practices and the student athlete experience: A qualitative study on the implementation and barriers of HIPs in the student athlete setting [Journal Articles]. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 12, 178–204.
Martyn, J., Fowler, B., Kropp, D., Oja, B., & Bass, J. R. (2019). Managing an Identity: Social Identity Complexity and NCAA Faculty [Journal Articles]. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 12, 365–383.
Scola, Z., Gordon, B. S., & Bass, J. R. (2018). A Qualitative Examination of the Motivations Towards Participating in KU Basketball Camping [Journal Articles]. Journal of Sport Behavior, 41(4), 451–474.
Oja, B., Schaeperkoetter, C., Mays, J., Hyland, S., Krueger, K., Christian, R., Wilkerson, Z., & Bass, J. (2018). Work versus play: An examination of the motivations of collegiate eSports athletes [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Sport Management, 19(4), 361–382.
(2017). Introduction to Sport Management (J. R. Bass, Ed.) [Books].
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Oja, B. D., Mays, J., Krueger, K., Hyland, S., Christian, R., Wilkerson, Z., & Bass, J. R. (2017). The “New” Student-Athlete: An Exploratory Examination of Scholarship eSports Players [Journal Articles]. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 10(1), 1–21.
Stensland, P., & Bass, J. (2017). To Charge or Not to Charge? Examining Stakeholder Perceptions of Non-Revenue Sports Ticketing Policies [Journal Articles]. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 9(3), 38–50.
Delia, E. B., Bass, J. R., & Wann, D. L. (2017). Tweets of Self-Presentation: Assessing In-Game Sport Consumer Behavior via Twitter [Journal Articles]. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 32, 33–62.
Scola, Z., Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Bass, J. R., & Lower, L. (2017). “It’s just something engrained in them”: Examining Organizational Citizenship Behaviors within Campus Recreation Center Employees [Journal Articles]. Managing Sport and Leisure, 22(3), 197–213.
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Mays, J., & Bass, J. R. (2017). “When there was no money in it, there were no men in it”: Examining gender differences in qualifications of college women’s basketball coaches [Journal Articles]. International Sport Coaching Journal, 4(1), 95–100.
Kellison, T. B., Bass, J. R., Oja, B. D., & James, J. (2016). Brand management in top-tier college athletics: An analysis of motives behind mark-usage policies [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 17(3), 219–242.
Bass, J. R., Newman, J. I., & Schaeperkoetter, C. C. (2016). Examining Identity Politics and Fundraising within Intercollegiate Athletics [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Sport Management, 17(4), 593–621.
Oja, B. D., & Bass, J. R. (2016). Safety or Style? Examining the Role of Equipment Personnel [Journal Articles]. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 8(1), 29–54.
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Bass, J. R., & Bunds, K. S. (2016). Wrestling to Understand Fan Motivations: Examining the MSSC within the WWE [Journal Articles]. Journal of Entertainment and Media Studies, 2(1), 110–133.
Hambrick, M. E., Bass, J. R., & Schaeperkoetter, C. C. (2015). “The Biggest Hire in School History”: Considering the Factors Influencing the Hiring of a Major College Football Coach [Journal Articles]. Case Studies in Sport Management, 3, 1–18.
Bass, J. R., Schaeperkoetter, C. C., & Bunds, K. S. (2015). “The Front Porch”: Examining the Increasing Interconnection of University and Athletic Department Funding (Vol. 41, Issue 5) [Other]. Wiley.
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Bass, J. R., Dodds, M., & Reese, J., Jr. (2015). Amateur Sports [Book Chapters]. In Sports Leadership: A Concise Reference Guide (pp. 3–7). Mission Bell Media.
Kellison, T. B., Bass, J. R., Lovich, J., & Bunds, K. (2015). Compounding Crisis Events and the Organizational Response [Journal Articles]. International Journal of Sport Management, 16(4), 573–600.
Oja, B. D., Bass, J. R., & Gordon, B. S. (2015). Conceptualizing Employee Identification with Sport Organizations: Sport Employee Identification (SEI) [Journal Articles]. Sport Management Review, 18(4), 583–595. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smr.2015.02.002
Pfleegor, A., Katz, M., Schaeperkoetter, C. C., & Bass, J. R. (2015). Factors for success in NCAA Division III athletics [Journal Articles]. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 8, 102–122.
Fontana, M., Bass, J. R., & Fry, M. D. (2015). From Smith Center to Coney Island: Examining the Coaching Climate in the United States Sporting Culture [Journal Articles]. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 9(4), 211–226.
Bass, J. R., Achen, R., & Gordon, B. S. (2015). Motivations for Athletic Giving: Examining Non-Renewed Donors [Journal Articles]. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 30(2), 166–186.
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Bass, J. R., & Gordon, B. S. (2015). Student-athlete school selection: A Family Systems Theory approach [Journal Articles]. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 8(2), 266–286.
Bass, J. R., Hardin, R., & Taylor, E. (2015). “The Glass Closet”: Perceptions of Homosexuality in Intercollegiate Sport [Journal Articles]. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 7(4), 1–36.
Bass, J. R., Vermillion, M., & Putz, P. (2014). “Going Viral”: The Impact of Forced Crowdsourcing on Coaching Evaluation Procedures [Journal Articles]. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1(2), 103–108.
Bass, J. R., & Newman, J. I. (2013). Too big to fail: The Penn State scandal and the crisis of the corporate university [Journal Articles]. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 22–40.
Bass, J. R., Gordon, B. S., & Kim, Y. K. (2013). University identification: A conceptual framework [Journal Articles]. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 7(1), 1–13.
Rodenberg, R. M., & Bass, J. R. (2012). Legality of online sports betting [Journal Articles]. Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law Journal, 23(1), 102–105.
Bass, J. R., Newman, J. I., & Giardina, M. D. (2012). Of victims and markets: The neoliberal university and the spectacle of civic branding [Journal Articles]. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 12(4), 301–305.
Vermillion, M., Stoldt, G. C., & Bass, J. R. (2009). Social problems in Major League Baseball: A revisiting of topics twenty years later [Journal Articles]. Journal of Sport Administration and Supervision, 1(1), 23–38.
Oja, B., Stensland, P., Bass, J., & Zvosec, C. (accepted/in press). Under the lights: The legitimacy, survival, and institutionalization of rural amateur baseball [Journal Articles]. Leisure Sciences.
Selected Presentations —
Schaeperkoetter, C., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2018). Developing a Conceptual Model of the Division III Recruiting Process. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC
Stensland, P., Kropp, D., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2018). Examining Division III Former Student-Athlete Constraints on Charitable Contributions to Their Alma Mater. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC
Ishaq, F., Mays, J., Kropp, D., & Bass, J. (4/30/2018). Explaining Coaches’ Decisions to Commit NCAA Recruiting Violations Using the Prisoner’s Dilemma. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC
Ishaq, F., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2018). High-Impact Educational Practices and the Student Athlete Academic Environment. Columbia, SC
McEvoy, C., Bass, J. R., Brown, M., LeCrom, C., & Stoldt, C. (6/30/2017). Rewards and Challenges in Considering a Transition from Faculty into Administration. North American Society for the Study of Sport Management. Denver, CO
Oja, B., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2017). Root, Root for the Employers’ Team?: An Investigation of Job Engagement and Fandom of College Sport Employees. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, SC
Bass, J. R., Mays, J., & Stensland, P. (11/30/2016). Pressure to Conform: An Analysis of Culture Within Intercollegiate Athletic Departments. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., & Bass, J. R. (6/30/2016). Basketball Officiating as a Gendered Arena: An Autoethnography. North American Society for the Study of Sport Management
Mays, J., & Bass, J. R. (6/30/2016). Dressed to the Nines: Using Fashion Theory to Explain Athlete Apparel Choice. North American Society for the Study of Sport Management
Bass, J. R., & Gordon, B. S. (6/30/2016). Leveling Up: Examining College Scholarships for eGaming. University of Kansas Mini College
Oja, B. D., Bass, J. R., & Gordon, B. S. (6/30/2016). Sport Employee Identification: Developing and Validating an Instrument. North American Society for the Study of Sport Management
Yoshida, M., Gordon, B. S., Bass, J. R., & Nakazawa, M. (6/30/2016). The Role of Pride Feelings in the Team and Fan Community Identification Processes: An Empirical Examination in Japanese Professional Sport. North American Society for the Study of Sport Management
Bass, J. R., & Schaeperkoetter, C. C. (4/30/2016). Students’ Perceptions of Institutional Support for Athletics in NCAA Division I. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, South Carolina
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., Oja, B. D., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2016). The “New” Student-Athlete: An Exploratory Examination of Scholarship eSports Players. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, South Carolina
Stensland, P., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2016). To Charge or Not to Charge? Examining Stakeholder Perceptions of Non-Revenue Sports Ticketing Policies. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, South Carolina
Schaeperkoetter, C. C., & Bass, J. R. (4/30/2016). “Alternative Success Theory”: An examination of what athletic department success means for small colleges. College Sport Research Institute Conference on College Sport. Columbia, South Carolina
Awards & Honors —
Meredith Geiger-Gould Undergraduate Teaching Award
University of Kansas School of Education
Dr. Bob Frederick Educator Award
University of Kansas School of Education
The Joyce Elaine Pauls Morgan Outstanding Teacher Award
University of Kansas
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Paying to Play: Examining Small College Athletics. University of Kansas School of Education Research Support. $5000.00. Submitted 2/1/2014 (7/1/2014 - 8/31/2015). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
More than a scholarship: Exploring NCAA Division III Recruiting Strategies.. University of Kansas School of Education. $4006.44. Submitted 2/1/2015 (5/31/2015). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
Students Perceptions of Institutional Support for Athletics in NCAA Division I. Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics Spending Database Challenge Awards. $2000.00. Submitted 1/1/2015 (5/31/2015). Foundation. Status: Funded
Big XII Faculty Fellowship. $2500.00. Submitted 1/1/2014 (10/31/2014). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
Ensuring Long Term Growth and Prosperity: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of University Boosters Marketing Practices. University of Kansas. $7992.32. Submitted 7/1/2013 (6/1/2014 - 7/31/2014). This funding will be used to continue a pre-established research lines examining the marketing practices of fundraising organizations.. University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded
"Alternative Success Theory": Redefining what athletic department success means for small colleges. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Student Research Grant. $6000.00. (1/1/2015). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded