Sheree Willis, Ph.D.

- Director of the Global Education Academy
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Biography —
Willis has over 37 years of experience in international work, including extensive experience in developing and managing international education projects. She has trained and supervised Chinese language instructors, managed an extensive K-12 Chinese language distance learning program for 21 schools in five states, developed innovative curriculum, and led seven federally funded STARTALK summer language programs. Willis’ broad previous experiences include management roles in the KU Center for East Asian Studies, the Center for International Business Education and Research, and the Office of Study Abroad, over ten years of experience as a. Chinese-English simultaneous/consecutive interpreter/translator, with an emphasis in educational exchange, and service as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State in Tunis, Shanghai, Beijing, and Kuala Lumpur. She holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in East Asian languages and cultures (Chinese literature) and a Ph.D. in foreign language education from the University of Kansas. Her research interests are teacher training, literacy acquisition in Chinese, and language and culture curriculum development. In addition to directing the Global Education Academy, Willis develops K-12 Chinese language teaching projects and assists in the expansion of other international education projects. She provides professional consulting for local districts on Chinese language programs, including Chinese immersion programs, and manages training and coaching for K-12 Chinese language teachers.