PDS Executive Council
Fall 2022 |
November 11, 2022 |

- Welcome and Quick Introductions
- SOEHS Dean & Department Chair Updates
- KU PDS Partners Updates & Issues
- KUPDS Purpose & Vision
- What is PDS and how is it different
- Brainstorming ideas- PDSs integration into courses
- Action Plan for 2023-2024
PDS website: (Take a look at it)
Differences in PDS and Traditional placements - (We will be working on this during the meeting)
PDS updates and suggestions/feedback from TEC since our last meeting on 9/9/2022:
Quick introductions
- Name
- Organization
- Role
- Associate Dean (Dr. Kelli Feldman)
- Department Chair (Dr. Heidi Hallman)
Share tell us...
- Share what is the most important issue(s) at your school right now and your thoughts on how we (SOEHS) can help or ways we can get involved.
- Curriculum
- Professional development
Let’s start from here. What is PDS?
- A nationally recognized movement that partners universities with P-12 schools to collaborate on:
- Preparing future educators
- Providing ongoing professional development
- Encouraging mutual research
- Promoting the learning of P-12 students
- Past (yes)
- Present (not as much)
- KUPDS- designed to meet the needs of teaching students that are increasingly bilingual, varying disabilities, diverse backgrounds which includes cultural, religious, and ethnic heritages to challenge the status quo.
State of PDS
- Collaborating
- 2017 – 46 student teachers
- 2018 – 55 student teachers
- 2019 – 46 student teachers
- 2020 – 28 student teachers
- 2021 – 25 student teachers
- 2022 – 18 student teachers
- 2023 - unknown
Example: in spring of 2017, 46 applied for the 2017-2018 school year.
Brainstorming & Possibilities (9/9 meeting)
- More connection to PDSs
- KU Liaison visits (how often)
- Early field experiences (visits, teacher interviews, working with students)
- Assist with academics (literacy nights, math bowls, talent shows,
- How can we help (Teachers/students)
- Teams work together to identify opportunities to differentiate PDS experiences from the traditional student teaching experience
Proposed Solutions
Share some examples and how we can work together to implement it
Next steps
- Pilot new changes in Spring 2024
- Work on sustainable funding (scholarships by a donor)
- Work with new KU group to help facilitate connections to your schools
- Flexible Fridays used for student teachers to work on action research, professional development, PLC with cohort of students in school
- Create PDS video for recruiting
- Create promotional video for school districts to increase seniors to come to KU for teaching
- Get into SOEHS classrooms early to share PDS experiences
- Work on badges for clinical supervisors and student teachers
Meet in early January 2023
Supporting Professional Development School (PDS)
Supporting Professional Development School (PDS) and encouraging pre-service teacher to choose PDS for student teaching and supporting PDSs
Here are some of the things we are doing in PDS:
- Classroom talks via Zoom with PDS principals, clinical supervisors, former PDS alumni, current PDS Ambassadors
- Each PDS has scheduled their kick-off with all student teachers that will be at their school
- SMSD conducted mock interviews on 10/24 and 10/25 to PDS students and I also invited non-PDS students to give feedback on resume and interview tips
- PDS website is getting updated
- PDS holiday card competitions (11/18 due)
- Hopefully, students are doing their weekly three hours of observations
Recommendation on how to better distinguish it:
- Create a schedule where PDS student teachers are released half-days every other Friday to work with instructional coaches, cohorts within schools on teaching and learning advice, to visit other classrooms for observations, trainings on other topics pertinent to teaching and learning, identifying
- Have different assignments that are more tailored to PDS settings
Support needed for the PDS program:
- Find a donor to sponsor using a scholarship for PDSs
- Pay for Praxis
- Stipend for conference
- Organization membership fee
- Share materials with each other
- Support for first year of teaching
- Pour into them with incentives
- Gift bags provided the first two weeks of placement
- Once per month
- First year of teaching with supplies
- Give cards
- Recruit for PDS to grow program
- Early experiences in PDSs using all C&T courses
- Everyone gets a PDS experience prior to student teaching
- Practicum in PDSs
Other considerations
- PE + and Music put placements in PDSs
- Early field experiences with PDS faculty, students, administrators
- PDS list provide to faculty to work with to help or research opportunities
- Faculty attend PDS meetings
Important Dates
See the PDS Calendar