School of Education and Human Sciences Undergraduate & Graduate Travel & Research Support Guidelines
Undergraduate and Graduate student travel and research support funding is made available through School of Education & Human Sciences credit hour fees.
Application Guidelines
Undergraduate and Graduate students in the School of Education & Human Sciences are encouraged to apply for support that will allow them to travel to degree-relevant professional conferences/meetings, as well as to conduct degree-related research. Each initiative is intended to enhance the graduate students’ professional preparation. Except under special circumstances, a student may receive only one travel award and one research support award per academic year. An individual student’s combined travel ($1,200 max.) and research support ($250 max.) may not exceed $1450 for an academic year.
- Applications may be submitted anytime during the academic year – pending the availability of resources.
- Applications and supporting documentation must be received no less than 30 days prior to any travel.
- The student’s faculty advisor must sign the application.
- Requests for travel must be closely associated with the student’s academic program of study or content area.
- Undergraduates: The maximum amount travel support that can be requested through the fund is $400. As a general rule, the primary/presenting author will be eligible to receive up to the maximum travel allowance, co-authors may receive up to a maximum of $250 for travel and those attending but not presenting may receive up to a maximum of $100 for travel.
- GraduatesThe maximum amount travel support that can be requested through the fund is $1200. As a general rule, the primary/presenting author will be eligible to receive up to the maximum travel allowance for international conferences, primary/presenting author may receive up to a maximum of $900 for domestic travel, co-authors may receive up to a maximum of $500 for travel, and those attending but not presenting may receive up to a maximum of $200 for travel.
- Except under special circumstances, a student may receive only one travel award per academic year— irrespective of the amount of travel support received.
- Support for travel can be used to cover registration, travel, meals and lodging. The limits for expenses on lodging and all other expenses are the same for students as for faculty and staff. Students should consult with their departmental office staff for clarification on this matter. Students who are co-presenters or who are traveling to the same conference are encouraged to share lodging expenses.
- Successful applications are required to complete an Out of State Request for all Travel, irrespective of whether they are on the payroll as a GTA, GRA, GA or hourly employee. The link to the form will be sent via email once travel support has been approved. Submission of an Out of State Request for Travel is the first step to be undertaken following notification of travel support.
- Successful applicants are required to submit original receipts for their expenses for which they are requesting reimbursement to their department office upon their return to campus.
- Preference will be given to applicants who are presenting at a conference and those who are attending a conference with a School of Education & Human Sciences faculty member, but it is not a condition for requesting support.
- Applicants need not be the first author on the paper, but if there is more than one student author, only one student (the primary/presenting student author) is eligible to receive funding as a presenter on that paper.
- Up to $250 per request may be requested to support materials, assessment instruments, etc. that are clearly needed to support the student’s research endeavor.
- Requests may be submitted anytime during the academic year–pending the availability of resources.
- Applicants must provide a written description of the research project to be undertaken (maximum 2 double-spaced pages), together with a timeline for the completion of the project and a budget outline of and justification for anticipated expenditures.
- Funds may not be used for salaries or payment to personnel (including subjects/participants), or for photocopying.
- The research endeavor must be approved by the student’s faculty advisor, and student’s faculty advisor must write a letter of support that must accompany the request.
- Final approval for the purchase of the items will be by the Associate Dean for the Undergraduate/Graduate Programs.
- Once approved, applicants will work with their department to secure the funds. In addition to the submission of the required budget (and its justification) at the time of making the request for support, students should prepare detailed purchase information (vendor, item/unit number, description, and cost) so that items can be purchased by the student’s academic department.
- Students are NOT to purchase items on their own and later request reimbursement for purchases. All purchases must be handled through normal university purchase procedures. Requests for purchase reimbursement to students will not be honored.
- All publications or presentations, including theses and dissertations, that are supported in whole or in part by School of Education & Human Sciences Student Research Support funds should bear the following acknowledgment: "This investigation was supported through an award from the University of Kansas School of Education & Human Sciences Student Research Support Fund.”
Applications for both travel and research support should be sent to:
Douglas Huffman, Associate Dean
1122 West Campus Rd, School of Education
214B Joseph R Pearson Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045
Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Associate Dean
1122 West Campus Rd, School of Education
214C Joseph R. Pearson Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045